"Harry Potter Quotes" Part 3

Sesuai janji, gue bakal nge-share quotes-quotes keren dari fim maupun buku Harry Potter!


"I think the answer is: a circle that has no beginning." Luna Lovegood - The Deathly Hallows

"Mudblood, and proud of it!" Hermione Granger - The Deathly Hallows

"It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well" Albus Dumbledore - The Deathly Hallows

"Harry Potter Quotes" Part 2

Hello Readers, kali ini gue mau nge-post tentang Harry Potter Quotes untuk keduakalinya, tapi cuma gambar doang.. Hehe males ngetik sih, tapi next post gue usahain yang tulisan-tulisan aja.. 

Enjoy !!

Acc Pottermore

Itulah dia acc pottermore gue..
Gue mulai aktif di Pottermore sejak 24 April 2012. Dan sampai sekarang ini, pada hari ini, jam ini, mennit ini, detik ini, house poin gue nyampe 524. Mohon dicatet ya 524!
Gue bisa banyak kayak gini gara-gara sering menang Wizard's Duel dan gue payah sebangetbanget nya kalau udah bikin ramuan. Berkali-kali coba tetp aja gabisa. Untung nya temen gue,Ephitaa yang baik hati nan cantik jelita ini mau mbikinin gue Ramuan dan berhasil gue dapet 3 house poin tambahan.

Kayaknya bener-bener keturunan si Harry Potter deh!
Bisa mantra, duel tapi payah di Ramuan..
Oiya, bagi kalian yang punya acc Pottermore add gue jangan lupa dong yaahh
Btw, gue ini termasuk Slytherin Pride !!

 Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness
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