Baby steps in a pledge

Baby Steps
To speak up in front of people takes a great deal of courage for a person like me. 
To initiate, to do something first and quick, to volunteer, and to stand tall.
It could be a daily things to do for some people, but not for people like me. The introvert who likes to keep her words to herself and hide it from the world. 
Doesn't always mean that I'm a quiet person, I'm quiet when i think i should, where i think i should, and to whom i should be.
I have read a book in my school year. It teach teenagers to be productive. It is hard, but to tackle it you gotta take a baby steps. 
Little steps to take you higher, brings you forward, and accomplish something.
To me, speaking up in front of people where I got to say a pledge which I made all the words up in a minute, is a baby steps I have passed.
Can't wait to pass another one.

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