Baby steps in a pledge

Baby Steps
To speak up in front of people takes a great deal of courage for a person like me. 
To initiate, to do something first and quick, to volunteer, and to stand tall.
It could be a daily things to do for some people, but not for people like me. The introvert who likes to keep her words to herself and hide it from the world. 
Doesn't always mean that I'm a quiet person, I'm quiet when i think i should, where i think i should, and to whom i should be.
I have read a book in my school year. It teach teenagers to be productive. It is hard, but to tackle it you gotta take a baby steps. 
Little steps to take you higher, brings you forward, and accomplish something.
To me, speaking up in front of people where I got to say a pledge which I made all the words up in a minute, is a baby steps I have passed.
Can't wait to pass another one.

The Anniversary of GagasMedia #TerusBergegas

Akhirnya mulai balik blogging lagi setelah sekian lama sudah nggak aktif. Kali ini aku bakal nge-post untuk memeriahkan ulangtahunnya GagasMedia.
Memeriahkan, gimana caranya?
Jadi gini, GagasMedia ngadain kuis nih yang mereka post di twitternya. Nah, kita tinggal jawab pertanyaannya terus post deh di blog. Gampang kan?

One Day Trip to Solo (Jalan-Jalan Gak Tau Arah)

Happy New Years' Eve, guys!

Gak berasa udah mau tahun baru aja, Jogja semakin ramai dan padat gara-gara musim liburan ini. Tapi sayang banget bentar lagi liburan udah selesai, dan berarti harus masuk sekolah lagi. Agghhhhh tidak!
Tapi untungnya, sebelum liburan usai, aku sama 4 orang lain sahabatku liburan ke Solo. Yeaaay!

A one day trip to Solo with my best friends, the five of us going to Solo! But sadly, it should have been six of us, but Lina couldn't go because she doesn't get the permission from her father. 

Dan karena sudah amat sangat mepet sekali, akhirnya terpaksa kita pergi berlima aja. Rencananya, tanggal 29 kita bakalan kumpul di Stasiun Tugu jam 6.30 dan beli tiket KA Prameks ke Solo. Tapi dewi fortuna kayaknya lagi sedikit gak berpihak sama kita.

Hari itu, 29 Desember 2014 pukul 06.15
Hujan turun, biarpun cuma gerimis tapi lama kelamaan tambah deras..yaaahh gak deras-deras banget sih. Aku berangkat diampiri Nadine yang katanya gak mau berangkat sendirian, jadilah kita boncengan on the way ke Stasiun Tugu pake mantol karena hujan. Sampe sana begitu parkirin motor dan mau masuk, eh ada yang manggil. Ternyata Ifa yang juga barusan dateng naik motor.

A Dream

A dream
Sebuah mimpi,

(picture via

Pernah gak sih mimpiin sesuatu yang dipengenin banget tapi mimpi itu ya cuma jadi mimpi aja, & in the end kita nyesel kenapa selama ini ngebiarin mimpi-mimpi itu ada tanpa usaha buat ngewujudinnya. Kadang sempet kepikiran 'gimana sih cara ngewujudin mimpi ini?', 'pengen sih, tapi kok males ya' ,'ah nyapek-nyapekin aja' dan semua hal itu cuma stuck di pikiran aja tanpa ada usaha membuat mimpi menjadi nyata.

5 Annoying Social Networking Users

Annoying Social Networking Users *CMIIW* atau Pengguna Jejaring Sosial yang Mengganggu.
Social network pasti banyak users nya, iyalah namanya juga sosial. Karena banyak users kita juga harus jaga sikap/toleran biar tidak mengganggu users yang lain. Kan di social network itu bukan cuma kita yang pake kan.

Link Download -tugas TIK-

5 februrari 2013 

Tugas TIK membuat link download melalui ziddu


"Harry Potter Quotes" Part 3

Sesuai janji, gue bakal nge-share quotes-quotes keren dari fim maupun buku Harry Potter!


"I think the answer is: a circle that has no beginning." Luna Lovegood - The Deathly Hallows

"Mudblood, and proud of it!" Hermione Granger - The Deathly Hallows

"It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well" Albus Dumbledore - The Deathly Hallows
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